Hamburg project

Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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Гамбург, набережная

The Hamburg project is a general name of scientific-research projects, which are dedicated on investigation of granulated medium dynamics. The project is carrying out by Research Fellows in Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in conjunction with Research Fellows of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) (Germany).


At the 2005 Conference on Actual Problems of Mechanics Anton Krivtsov and Sergiy Antonyuk found out that they shared the same scientific interests and became interested in works of each other. They agreed on a cooperation. Then, at the end of 2007, A. Krivtsov was invited to visit the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, where S. Antonyuk was working at that period of time. After the PhD viva examination Sergiy Antonyuk moved for work to the Hamburg University of Technology. In 2010 a collaborative project was applied to german DAAD scholarship fund. The price for the project was given to tree students of Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (I.E. Asonov, M.S. Korobeynikova, O.A. Khromov ). In the spring of 2011 two of the students (M.S. Korobeynikova, O.A. Khromov ) were sent to Hamburg within the project and made their final research paper defence based on the results of it. In March 2011 A.M. Krivtsov and V.A. Kuz'kin has visited the Hamburg University of Technology.

Cooperation agreement

Krivtsov Heinrich.jpg

On the 9th of March during the above-mentioned visit a cooperation agreement was concluded between the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University and Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology (SPE) of the Hamburg University of Technology. The agreement was signed by head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, professor A.M. Krivtsov, and director of Institute SPE, professor Stefan Heinrich. The main research area of the collaboration is ‘The development of mechanical models to describe processes of production and processing of bulk materials’.

You can find full information about the agreement on the site of Institute SPE.

Project coordinators

Name, Surname Position Organization
Stefan Heinrich Head of Institute Institute SPE TUHH
Sergiy Antonyuk Habilitand Institute SPE TUHH
A.M. Krivtsov Head of department Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SPBSTU СПбГПУ
V.A. Kuz'kin Deputy head of department of scientific research Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SPBSTU СПбГПУ
I.E. Berinskiy Assistant professor Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SPBSTU СПбГПУ

Individual grants

Person Grant Topic Date Visit
M.S. Korobeynikova DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Modeling motion of boiling layer particles with help of discrete elements method. Graduation project. (Скачать постер: pdf 678 kb) 2010 - 2011 Hamburg:
Март - май 2011 г.
О. А. Хромов DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Моделирование движения частиц кипящего слоя методом дискретных элементов. Дипломный проект. (Скачать постер: pdf 1338 kb)
2010 - 2011 г.
Hamburg: Март - май 2011 г.
И. Е. Асонов DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Молекулярно-динамическое моделирование механических свойств керамико-полимерных композитов.
2010 - 2011 г.
Hamburg: август-сентябрь 2011 г.
M. Szelwis Simulation of the plastic behaviour of an innovative ceramic-polymer composite. 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург:
Апрель - Май 2011 г.
J. Brunkhorst Biogas & Refurbishment of Panel Buildings 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург:
2011 г.
В. А. Кузькин DAAD, стипендия Михаил Ломоносов Моделирование динамики несферических частиц в потоке газа методом дискретных элементов.
2011 - 2012 г.
Е. Витохин DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Описание разрушения частиц при ударе с использованием пневматической пушки и метода дискретных элементов.
2011 - 2012 г.
М. Семин DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Разработка алгоритмов моделирования динамики частиц в потоке газа методами дискретных элеметнов и гидрординамики сглаженных частиц.
2011 - 2012 г.
О. Бразгина DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Моделирование деформирования твердых гранулированных частиц: влияние формы на деформационное поведение
2011 - 2012 г.
И. Чебышев Изучение разрушения гранулированных сред июль-август, 2011 г. Гамбург
А. Кривчиков DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Кривчиков А.В.: Исследование прочности агломератов AL2O3 при статической и динамической нагрузках
2013 - 2014 г.
Д. Ибраев DAAD, Scholarship Leonhard Euler Исследование динамики удара частиц в присутствии жидкой фазы для описания грануляционных процессов
2013 - 2014 г.
