Sizova Ekaterina

Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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Academic department TM > Students > Group 09


  • 2013 - 2017 - Bachelor - Saint-Petersburg Peter the Great Polythecnic University, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, specialisation - Mechanics and Mathematics Modelling;
  • 2016 - 2017 - Exchange Student - Universität Regensburg [[1]], Fakultät für Mathematik;
  • 2015 - 2016 - Advanced Training - Saint-Petersburg State University [[2]], Economics Faculty, Advanced Training, program - "Business school";
  • 2008 - 2013(1) - Saint Petersburg Lyceum 239[[3]];
  • 2006 - 2008(а) - Saint Petersburg Lyceum 30[[4]];

Doclads, research projects, presentations[править]

Participation in the research projects, scientific schools[править]

Language skills[править]

  • Russian(mother tongue);
  • English(C1);
  • German(A2);
  • Hebrew(A1);

Grants, scholarships, olympiads[править]

  • ERASMUS+ scholraship for studying in Germany, Regensburg [[6]] 2016-2017yy;
  • Polytech-Picnic, team olympiad from Газпромнефть НТЦ, I place;
  • Russian 3-sciences tournir [[7]], 2015, X team place;
  • Ruassian internet-olympiad in theoretical mechanics, 2015, IV place;

Work Experience[править]


  • +79312564239
  • skype: katie1190