Shvarev Nikolay

Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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Кафедра ТМ > Студенты > Группа 09

I am from Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan, Russia. Presently I am a student of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics.


  • Gymnasium №2 in Sterlitamak (2002-2008);
  • Bashkir boarding school (2008-2013);
  • Since 2013 a student of SPbSPU Theor-Mech, Group 09.


  • Exact and inexact sciences;
  • Pets;
  • Hi-tech;
  • Computer games.


  • Football;
  • Walking around the city.

Research projects[править]

  • "Implementation of remote monitoring and control". Download presentation (rus).


  • Turbo Pascal 7.0

About me[править]

No bad habits.

Fan of FC Zenit.

Gender Education for 5 years.

Living in a boarding house for 2 years.

I had studied Bashkir language in school for 11 years and now I understand fluent colloquial speech.
