Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
(перенаправлено с «A.S. Murachev»)
Кафедра ТМ > Аспиранты
Andrey Murachev
- Graduate study- SPbSPU. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Department of Theoretical Mechanics.
Scientific advisor: prof. А.М. Krivtsov
- Master's degree - SPbSPU. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Department of Theoretical Mechanics
Scientific advisor: prof. А.М. Krivtsov
Master thesis: Equlibrium of self-gravitating dust and gas clouds.
- Bachelor's degree - SPbSPU. Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications ,departman of Space Exploration.
Scientific advisor: prof. Boris Zhukov
Bachelor thesis: Accelerating the bodies of millimeter size by electromagnetic linear accelerator.
LCME (Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education)
Research interests[править]
- Project Thermocrystal
- Origin of the Moon аnd formation and evolution of the Solar System
- Robots and Arduino
- Neural net
- Physics of Black holes
Research projects[править]
- Study forms of fluid flow in a porous medium.(2007 г.) Рarticipant of Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair
- Bachelor's Thesis: "Small railgun application for the study of high-speed collision of mm-size plastic shocks with thin metal screens". Scientific supervisor: Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics B.G.Zhukov
- Master's Thesis: The equilibrium Earth-Moon protoplanetary nebula. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics A.M. Krivtsov
- A mathematical model of dynamics of vibrofluidized granular materials for electrostatic and magnetic separation (in collaboration with MEKHANOBR-TEKHNIKA, Scientific advisor: Kirill Ivanov)
- Programmer (2015)
- Engineer (2011 - 2013)
- Mathematic teacher (2008-2010)
Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education
- A.S. Murachev, A.M. Krivtsov. Research of equilibrium of the Earth-Moon protoplanetary cloud / The XLI theoretical and practical conference with international participation
«THE WEEK OF SCIENCE AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH AT SPBSPU», December 3-8, 2012, p.110 (In Russian)
- A.S. Murachev, A.M. Krivtsov. Equilibrium of the Earth-Moon protoplanetary cloud / The XLII theoretical and practical conference with international participation
«THE WEEK OF SCIENCE AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH AT SPBSPU», December 2-7, 2013, p. 238 (In Russian)
- Murachev A.S., Markov N.S., Lapin R.L., Grigorieva P.M. Mathematical modeling of the Earth-Moon formation / "The best reports of THE XLII WEEK OF SCIENCE AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH AT SPBSPU", 2014 (In Russian)
- Murachev A.S., Krivtsov A.M, Equilibrium of a dust and gas cloud // XLII Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics", June 30 – July 5, 2014, St.Petersburg (Repino), Russia, APM 2014, Book Of Abstracts, p.92
- A.S. Murachev, D.V. Tsvetkov, E.M. Galimov, A.M. Krivtsov. Numerical simulation of circumsolar ring evolution // Advances in Mechanics of Microstructured Media and Structures, Francesco dell'Isola, Victor A. Eremeyev, Alexey V. Porubov (Eds). Series Advanced Structured Materials, Vol.87, Springer, Cham, 2018
- А. М. Кривцов, А. С. Мурачёв, Д. В. Цветков. Нестационарные термо-диффузионные процессы в конечном одномерном кристалле. Чебышевский Сборник, Том 18 Выпуск 3, 2018. cсылка
- A.S. Murachev, A.M. Krivtsov, and D.V. Tsvetkov. Thermal echo in a finite one-dimensional harmonic crystal. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31,9 (2018)
- A.V. Kalyuzhnyuk, R.L. Lapin, A.S. Murachev, A.E. Osokina, A.I. Sevostianov, D.V. Tsvetkov. Neural networks and data-driven surrogate models for simulation of steady-state fracture growth, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 42 (2019)
- A.M. Krivtsov, A.S. Murachev. Transition to thermal equilibrium in a deformed crystal. 2019, ArXiv:1908.05464
- 2012: Won the competition of youth's projects.
- Project: Technical Creativity Club YES^TM.
- 2013: 2nd place in the competition "Volga 2013".
- Project: Yacht computer numerical control.
- 2014: 2nd place in the Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair
- 2nd place at the Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair: Project: Implementation of swarming behavior of robots (the supervisor of the project)
- successfully completing a course on Coursera "The Science of the Solar System" (Statement of Accomplishment )
- successfully completing a course on Coursera "Data analysis and statistical inference" (Statement of Accomplishment )
- successIflly completed the international educationa program "training of acadelnic antl administrative personnel in the development and implementation of international educational programs
in foreign language"" at St.Petersbur State Polytechnical University (Certificate)
- Specialty: astrophysics, planetary formation
- Designing robots
- Managing technical projects
- Programming C / C ++
- Programming Matlab / Maple
- Design in SolidWorks
- Programming and work with the Arduino/Processing
Nonscientific interests (hobbies, sports, travel, etc.)[править]
- Hiking and mountains
- Satellite Polytech
- Yacht computer numerical control
- Swarm robotics
- Android
- Phone:
- Skype:
- E-mail: andrey.murachev@gmail.com
- vk.com
- fb.com