Елена Вильчевская — различия между версиями

Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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== Избранные публикации ==
== Избранные публикации ==
*Alexander B. Freidin, Igor K. Korolev, Sergey P. Aleshchenko, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Chemical affinity tensor and chemical reaction front propagation: theory and FE-simulations. International Journal of Fracture, (2016), December 2016, Volume 202, Issue 2, pp 245–259, DOI 10.1007/s10704-016-0155-1
* Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H. M¨uller. Some remarks on recent developments in micropolar continuum theory. Journal of Physics Conference Series 991(1):012079, April 2018. DOI10.1088/1742-6596/991/1/012079
*Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Micropolar continuum in spatial description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, (2016), 1-22 DOI  10.1007/s00161-016-0508-z
* Müller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. (2018) Micropolar Theory with Production of Rotational Inertia: A Rational Mechanics Approach. In: Altenbach H., Pouget J., Rousseau M., Collet B., Michelitsch T. (eds) Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 1. Advanced Structured Materials, vol 89. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72440-9_30
*Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H.Muller. Time Derivatives in Material and Spatial Description—What Are the Differences and Why Do They Concern Us? In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.3-28
* Polina Grigoreva, Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H. M¨uller Modeling stress-affected chemical reactions in solids–A rational mechanics approach. In Advances in Mechanics of Microstructured Media and Structures, Francesco dell'Isola, Victor A. Eremeyev, Alexey V. Porubov (Eds). Series Advanced Structured Materials, Vol.87, Springer, Cham, 2018. 346p. ISBN 978-3-319-73694-5
*Wolfgang H.Muller, Elena N.Vilchevskaya. A Closed-Form Solution for a Linear Viscoelastic Self-gravitating Sphere. In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.79-101
* Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. Micropolar media with structural transformations – Theory and an example problem. Materials Physics and Mechanics (2017) 32(3) p. 243-252
* Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Truesdell's  and Zhilin's approaches, Derivation of Constitutive equations.  Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, edited by  Holm Altenbach and Andreas Öchsner.  (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53605-6_58-1
* Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. Micropolar theory from the viewpoint of mesoscopic and mixture theories. Physical Mesomechanics, 2017, Vol. 20 No 3 pp 263-279, Физическая мезомеханика 20 3 2017 p.25-39
* Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N., Weiss W. Micropolar theory with production of rotational inertia: A farewell to material description. Physical Mesomechanics, 2017, Vol. 20 No 3 pp 250-262. Физическая мезомеханика 20 3 2017 p.13-24
* Alexander B. Freidin, Igor K. Korolev, Sergey P. Aleshchenko, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Chemical affinity tensor and chemical reaction front propagation: theory and FE-simulations. International Journal of Fracture, (2016), December 2016, Volume 202, Issue 2, pp 245–259, DOI 10.1007/s10704-016-0155-1
* Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Micropolar continuum in spatial description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, (2016), 1-22 DOI  10.1007/s00161-016-0508-z
* Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H.Muller. Time Derivatives in Material and Spatial Description—What Are the Differences and Why Do They Concern Us? In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.3-28
* Wolfgang H.Muller, Elena N.Vilchevskaya. A Closed-Form Solution for a Linear Viscoelastic Self-gravitating Sphere. In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.79-101
* Olga V. Brazgina, Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya.  Saturated porous continua in the frame of hybrid description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2016)
* Olga V. Brazgina, Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya.  Saturated porous continua in the frame of hybrid description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2016)

Версия 17:11, 20 апреля 2018

Кафедра "Теоретическая механика" > Е.Н.Вильчевская

Елена Никитична Вильчевская

English version

Vilchevskaya Elena.jpg
Доцент кафедры
"Теоретическая механика" (ТМ)
Институт прикладной математики и механики (Физико-Механический факультет)
Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет (СПбГПУ).
Ученый секретарь
Институт проблем машиноведения Российской Академии наук (ИПМаш РАН).


  • Магистр технических наук: СПбГПУ, ФМФ, МПУ

Научные интересы

  • Механохимия.
  • Структурные превращения.
  • Композиционные материалы.
  • Термодинамика с позиций механики сплошной среды.

Научные проекты

  • Сандийский проект.


  • Лекционный курс: "Теоретическая механика".
  • Лекционный курс: "Тензорная алгебра и тензорный анализ" (см. пособие).
  • Лекционный курс: "Термодинамика с позиций механики сплошной среды".
  • Лекционный курс: "Механика сплошных сред".
  • Лекционный курс: "Микромеханика неоднородных сред".

Учебные пособия

Избранные публикации

  • Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H. M¨uller. Some remarks on recent developments in micropolar continuum theory. Journal of Physics Conference Series 991(1):012079, April 2018. DOI10.1088/1742-6596/991/1/012079
  • Müller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. (2018) Micropolar Theory with Production of Rotational Inertia: A Rational Mechanics Approach. In: Altenbach H., Pouget J., Rousseau M., Collet B., Michelitsch T. (eds) Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 1. Advanced Structured Materials, vol 89. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72440-9_30
  • Polina Grigoreva, Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H. M¨uller Modeling stress-affected chemical reactions in solids–A rational mechanics approach. In Advances in Mechanics of Microstructured Media and Structures, Francesco dell'Isola, Victor A. Eremeyev, Alexey V. Porubov (Eds). Series Advanced Structured Materials, Vol.87, Springer, Cham, 2018. 346p. ISBN 978-3-319-73694-5
  • Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. Micropolar media with structural transformations – Theory and an example problem. Materials Physics and Mechanics (2017) 32(3) p. 243-252
  • Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Truesdell's and Zhilin's approaches, Derivation of Constitutive equations. Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, edited by Holm Altenbach and Andreas Öchsner. (2017), doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53605-6_58-1
  • Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N. Micropolar theory from the viewpoint of mesoscopic and mixture theories. Physical Mesomechanics, 2017, Vol. 20 No 3 pp 263-279, Физическая мезомеханика 20 3 2017 p.25-39
  • Muller W.H., Vilchevskaya E.N., Weiss W. Micropolar theory with production of rotational inertia: A farewell to material description. Physical Mesomechanics, 2017, Vol. 20 No 3 pp 250-262. Физическая мезомеханика 20 3 2017 p.13-24
  • Alexander B. Freidin, Igor K. Korolev, Sergey P. Aleshchenko, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Chemical affinity tensor and chemical reaction front propagation: theory and FE-simulations. International Journal of Fracture, (2016), December 2016, Volume 202, Issue 2, pp 245–259, DOI 10.1007/s10704-016-0155-1
  • Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Micropolar continuum in spatial description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, (2016), 1-22 DOI 10.1007/s00161-016-0508-z
  • Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya, Wolfgang H.Muller. Time Derivatives in Material and Spatial Description—What Are the Differences and Why Do They Concern Us? In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.3-28
  • Wolfgang H.Muller, Elena N.Vilchevskaya. A Closed-Form Solution for a Linear Viscoelastic Self-gravitating Sphere. In book: Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, (2016), pp.79-101
  • Olga V. Brazgina, Elena A. Ivanova, Elena N. Vilchevskaya. Saturated porous continua in the frame of hybrid description. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2016)
  • Elena Vilchevskaya, Igor Sevostianov. Overall thermal conductivity of a fiber reinforced composite with partially debonded inhomogeneities. International Journal of Engineering Science 98,01/2016, p 99-109
  • A. Freidin, N. Morozov, S. Petrenko, E. Vilchevskaya. Chemical reactions in spherically symmetric problems of mechanochemistry. Acta Mechanica (2015), 226 (9)
  • Elena Vilchevskaya, Igor Sevostianov. Effective elastic properties of a particulate composite with transversely-isotropic matrix. International Journal of Engineering Science 94 (2015) 139–149
  • Е. Н. Вильчевская, А. Б. Фрейдин, Н. Ф. Морозов Кинетика фронта химической реакции в центрально_симметричных задачах механохимии. ДАН 461 N 5 с. 525-529
  • R. A. Filippov, A. B. Freidin, I. V. Hussainova, E. N. Vilchevskaya. Critical Radius of Zirconia Inclusions in Transformation Toughening of Ceramics. Physical Mesomechanics 01/2015; 18(17 2):55-64.
  • Р.А. Филиппов, А.Б. Фрейдин, И.В. Хусаинова, Е.Н. Вильчевская Критический радиус включений диоксида циркония в эффекте трансформационного упрочнения керамик. // Физ. мезомех. - 2014. - Т. 17. - N 2. - С. 55-64
  • Е.Н. Вильчевская, Р.А. Филиппов, А.Б. Фрейдин. О переходных слоях в композитных материалах как областях новой фазы. Известия РАН. Механика твердого тела. 2013. №1. С. 113-144.
  • Vilchevskaya E.N., Ivanova E.A., Altenbach H. Description of the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in the Frame of Continuum Mechanics // Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 28 p. [1]
  • Ivanova, E., Vilchevskaya, E.: Description of thermal and micro-structural processes in generalized continua: Zhilin’s method and its modifications. In: Altenbach, H., Forest, S., Krivtsov, A.M. (eds.) Generalized Continua as Models for Materials, pp. 179–197. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2013)
  • E.N. Vilchevskaya, A.B. Freidin. On kinetics of chemical reaction fronts in elastic solids. In: Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics. Advanced Structured Materials Vol. 30. P. 105-117. 2013 [2]
  • A.B. Freidin, R.A. Filippov, I. Hussainova, E.N. Vilchevskaya. Transformation toughening in zirconia doped ceramics and cermets. Trans Tech Publications. 2013. Vol. 527. P. 68-73. [3]
  • Вильчевская Е.Н., Филиппов Р.А., Фрейдин А.Б. О переходных слоях в композитных материалах как областях новой фазы. Известия РАН. Механика твердого тела. 2013. №1, стр. 128-159
  • E.N. Vilchevskaya, A.B. Freidin. On kinetics of chemical reaction fronts in elastic solids. In: Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics. Advanced Structured Materials Vol. 30. (2013) P. 105-117.
  • Freidin A.B., Filippov R.A., Hussainova I., Vilchevskaya E.N. Critical radius in the effect of transformation toughening of zirconia doped ceramics and cermets. Key Engineering Materials.Vol. 527 (2013) pp. 68-73 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. doi:10.4028 www.scientific.net/KEM.527.68
  • R.A. Filippov, A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya. On new phase intermediate layers in nanocomposites as a source of increasing the elastic moduli// Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. (2011)2(2), p. 107-118. [4]
  • Е.Н. Вильчевская, И.К. Королев, А.Б.Фрейдин. О фазовых превращениях в области неоднородности материала. Ч.2. Взаимодействие трещины с включением, претерпевающим фазовое превращение // Известия РАН. Механика твердого тела. (2011). № 5, стр. 32-42.
  • A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya. Multiple development of new phase inclusions in elastic solids // International Journal of Engineering Science (2009) 47 p. 240 № 260.
  • E.N.Vilchevskaya, A.B.Freidin. On phase transformations in a material inhomogeneity. P.1. A phase-transforming inclusion in a uniform external field// Izvestia RAN, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela (2007) 5, p.208 - 228. (Mechanics of Solids 42, № 5, p.823-840)
  • A.B.Freidin, Y.B.Fu, L.L.Sharipova, E.N.Vilchevskaya. Shperically symmetric two-phase deformations and phase transition zones // International Journal of Solids and Structures, (2006) 43, p.4484 - 4508. [5]
  • A.B. Freidin, E.N. Vilchevskaya Multiple appearances of new phase ellipsoidal nuclei // Doklady Akademii Nauk, (2006) 411, № 6, p.770 - 774, (Doklady Physics v.51, 12, p.692-696).
  • A.B.Freidin, E.N.Vilchevskaya, L.L. Sharipova. Two-phase deformations of solids.Vol.22. Models in Continuum Mechanics. The lections of XVII session of the International school of models in continuum mechanics (Russia, Kazan), (2004), 162 - 200. (In Russian) [6]
  • A.B.Freidin, E.N.Vilchevskaya, L.L Sharipova. Two-phase deformations within the framework of phase transition zones. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Belgrade), (2002), 28 № 29, p.145 - 167.


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