Материал из Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Кафедра ТМ > Аспиранты
Andrey Murachev
- School.
LCME (Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education)
- Universety.
Bachelor's degreedegree - SPbSPU. Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications ,departman of Space Exploration.
Master's degree - SPbSPU. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Department of Theoretical Mechanics
(post-)graduate study- SPbSPU. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Department of Theoretical Mechanics
Research interests
- Origin of the Moon аnd formation and evolution of the Solar System
- Physics of Black holes
- Robots and Arduino
Research projects
- Study forms of fluid flow in a porous medium.(2007 г.) Рarticipant of Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair
- Bachelor's Thesis: "Small railgun application for the study of high-speed collision of mm-size plastic shocks with thin metal screens". Scientific supervisor: Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics B.G.Zhukov
- Master's Thesis: The equilibrium Earth-Moon protoplanetary nebula. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics A.M. Krivtsov
- А.С. Мурачёв , А.М. Кривцов Исследование равновесия протопланетного облака Земля-Луна / Материалы XLI Недели науки СПбГПУ, 2013 стр.110.
- А.С. Мурачёв , А.М. Кривцов, равновесие протопланетного облака Земля-Луна / Сборник материалов научно-практической конференции с международным участием "XLII Неделя науки СПбГПУ", 2014
- Мурачёв А.С., Марков Н.С., Лапин Р.Л., Григорьева П.М Математическое моделирование образования системы Земля-Луна / «Лучшие доклады XLII Недели науки СПбГПУ», 2014
- 2012: The winner of the competition of youth projects in 2012.
Project: Technical Creativity Club YES^TM.
- 2013: 2nd place in the competition yacht projects.
Project: Yacht computer numerical control.
- 2014: 2nd place in the Intel Baltic Science and Engineering Fair
Project: Realization of swarm robots behavior (Supervisor of project)
Nonscientific interests (hobbies, sports, travel, etc.)
- Tango
- Cookery
- Hiking and mountain
- Yacht computer numerical control
- Swarm robotics
- Mobile:
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