Редактирование: Vitaly Kuzkin

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#REDIRECT [[en:Vitaly_Kuzkin]]
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<font size="5"> Vitaly A. Kuzkin</font>
[[Виталий Кузькин | For Russian version press here.]]
{| style="color:black;background-color:#e0e0e0;" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="2" border = "1"C
; Vice-Head of Department for [["Теоретическая механика" | Theoretical Mechanics]]
:[http://www.spbstu.ru/departments/base/amm/index.asp Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics] ([http://www.physmech.ru/ former Facuty of Physics and Mechanics])
:[http://www.spbstu.ru/ Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University] (SPbSTU).
;Senior researcher
;:[["Дискретные модели механики" | Laboratory for Discrete Models in Mechanics]] (DMML)
:[http://www.ipme.ru/indexr.html Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering] [http://www.ras.ru Russian Academy of Sciences] (IPME RAS).
== Education ==
* BSc, [http://www.spbstu.ru/ SPbSTU], [http://www.physmech.ru/ FMF], dept. [http://www.physmech.ru/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=5 Mechanics and Control Processes], 2007 (with honors)
Bachelor thesis: Equations of state for perfect crystals.
Scientific advisor: prof. [[Антон_Кривцов | А.М. Krivtsov]]
* MSc, [http://www.spbstu.ru/ SPbSTU], [http://www.physmech.ru/ FMF], dept. [http://www.physmech.ru/modules.php?name=Pages&pa=showpage&pid=5 Mechanics and Control Processes], 2009 (with honors)
Master thesis: Thermomechanical effects in perfect crystals.
Scientific advisor: prof. [[Антон_Кривцов | А.М. Krivtsov]]
* PhD, [http://www.spbstu.ru/ SPbSTU],  [http://www.physmech.ru/ FMF], department for [["Теоретическая механика" | Theoretical Mechanics]], 2011
PhD thesis : Derivation of equivalent thermomechanical characteristics for perfect crystals.
Scientific advisor: prof. [[Антон_Кривцов | А.М. Krivtsov]]
== Employment ==
* Vice Head of Department for [["Теоретическая механика" | Theoretical Mechanics]] (since 2011)
* Senior researcher, lab. "Discrete Models in Mechanics", ([http://www.ipme.ru IPME RAS]) (since 2006)
* PhD student, Department for [["Теоретическая механика" | Theoretical Mechanics]] (2011-2011)
* Teaching assistant,  Department for [["Теоретическая механика" | Theoretical Mechanics]]  (2008 – 2011)
== Professionl appointments ==
* visiting researcher, Rzeszow University of Technology, [http://www.prz.rzeszow.pl/en/FoMaAP/?page=research Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics], Poland, 2012-2014
* visiting researcher, Technical Unversity of Hamburg-Harburg, [http://www.spe.tu-harburg.de Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology], Germany,  2011
* visiting student, Brown University, [http://www.engin.brown.edu/Faculty/gao/gaogroup/research.html Group of Prof. Huajian Gao], USA, 2007
== Participation in projects ==
* [http://fp7.imaps.aber.ac.uk/hydrofrac.html Enhancing hydraulic fracturing on the basis of numerical simulation of coupled geomechanical, hydrodynamic and microseismic processes] (HYDROFRAC)
* [[Гамбургский проект | Hamburg project]]
* [[Проект "Кассиопея" | Project "AlpineReplay"]] (see also [http://www.alpinereplay.com])
* [[Проект "Кристалл" | Project "Crystal"]]
* [[Моделирование механических свойств биоматериалов на основе фибрилл | Simulation of bio-materials consisting of fibrils]]
== Research areas/interests ==
* Mechanics of Discrete Media
* Computational Mechanics of Discrete Media : Molecular Dynamics, Discrete Element Method
* Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics / Smoothed Particles Applied Mechanics
* Computational geomechanics (hydraulic fracturing, proppant transport)
* Rheology of suspensions
* Thermal effects: [[Уравнения состояния идеальных кристаллов | equations of state]], heat conductivity, negative thermal expansion
* Equivalent thermomechanical characteristics for discrete systems (stress tensor, heat flux)
* Potentials for interaction between rigid bodies: [[Потенциал_Кузькина-Кривцова| potential for graphene]]
* DEM simulation of discrete/granullar rods, shells, and bulk solids ([[V-model | V-model for bonds in solids]])
* Simulation of carbon nanostructures
* [[Проект "Кассиопея"| mechanics of active sports, inertial navigation]], [http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нечёткая_логика  Fuzzy logic]
== Publications and patents ==
* [http://scholar.google.ru/citations?hl=ru&user=Z10_dC4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&citft=1&citft=2&email_for_op=kuzkinva%40gmail.com&gmla=AJsN-F4__9YUmhwNZ53vAAqnps74s0QWUbO3XDvh2j5zSsgg52oC-5YqNO34N4t_5SRktNwAItHoYj6Ak1-Js8uoEuzxp7K9PJdbH3GSwohpzHaGPvdfbHZca-EgxbaEwzNN3Fa_pUu6pxQMAx_CP6F9LaPXFmOo4Q&undo=untrash_citations,Tyk-4Ss8FVUC Profile at Google Scholar].
* [http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=36182246400  Profile at Scopus]
* [[Kuzkin_pub | '''Selected publications can be downloaded here...''']].
== Journal reviewer ==
* [http://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-mathematical-modelling/ Applied Mathematical Modeling (Elsevier)]
== Teaching ==
* [[Теоретические Основы Метода Динамики Частиц| Dynamics of particles]] (lectures)
* theoretical mechanics (practice)
* dynamics of rigid body (practice)
== Software ==
* CAD/CAE, DEM Software: Solid Works, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, EDEM
* Math Software: Maple, MathCad, MATLAB
* PC languages: Pascal, C++
== Some awards ==
* British Petroleum research grant for young scientists, 2012
* Young Scientist Award on IUTAM Symposium on "Vibration Analysis of Structures with Uncertainties", 2009
* Award for the Best Presentation on the first conference of OAO "KBSM", 2009
* Award of "Dynasty" foundation for Young Physicists, 2009
* Award for Best Young Scientist of Polytechnical university, 2008
* Award for Best Presentation on All-Russia young researchers School-Conference "Mathematical Modelling in natural sciences", Perm, Russia, 2007
* Award for Scientific Progress on "XXXV Science week" in SPbSTU, 2006
* Awards in 1-st(university), 2-nd(regional), 3-rd(All-Russia) tours of Olimpiad on Strength of Materials, 2005
== Conferences ==
* 5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with "negative" characteristics, Poznan, Poland, 2014
* Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture, Rzeszow, Poland, 14-16 July 2014.
* Advances in Micromechanics of Materials, Rzeszów, Poland, 8-11 July 2014.
* Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.Petersburg, Repino, June 30-July 6, 2014.
* Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.Petersburg, Repino, 2013.
* Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.Petersburg, Repino, 2012.
* Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.Petersburg, Repino, 2011.
* Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St.Petersburg, Repino, 2010.
* Joint US-Russia Conference "Advances in Material Science", Prague, Chzech Republic, 2009.
* Workshop on Advanced Computer Simulation Methods for Junior Scientists, St.Petersburg, 27-29 April, 2009.
* IUTAM Simposium on Vibration of structures with uncertainities, Saint Petersburg, 2009
* Workshop on Molecular Dynamics, Warwick, UK, 2009
* The Sixth International conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Greece, Athens, 2008
== The best quotes about Science ==
* Physics is like making love: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. (c) Richard P. Feynman
* The Scientist '''does not''' study nature because it is '''useful'''; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living. (c) Henri Poincare.
* The science is no fun, if you are never wrong! (c) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Gold Thomas Gold]
* The science is said to be useful if its development tends to accentuate the existing inequalities in distribution of wealth, or more directly promotes the destruction of human life (с) G.H. Hardy (see also [http://www.math.ualberta.ca/mss/misc/A%20Mathematician's%20Apology.pdf  G. H. Hardy A Mathematician's Apology. Cambridge: University Press. pp. 153, 2004])
* No pain <=> No gain
== Hobbies ==
* My source of inspiration (see photo)
[[Файл:7137.jpg|220px|thumb|right| Muse]]
* Sport
* Traveling
== Contacts ==
'''E-mail:''' kuzkinva at gmail.com
'''Phone:''' +7-981-707-87-02
'''Fax:''' +7-812-3214771
'''Skype:''' vitaly.kuzkin, vitaly.kuzkin1
'''Vk.com:''' kuzkinva
'''Mail:''' Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering RAS,
199178, Russia, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy pr. V.O., 61
'''Web:''' tm.spbstu.ru/Kuzkin
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