Редактирование: International collaboration

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==Foreign policy of Department "Theoretical Mechanics"==
International cooperation is one of the most important branches of department of "Theoretical Mechanics"  activities that makes contribution to training of highly qualified specialists, development of priority areas in mechanical science and high quality education.
The Department maintains close relations with many foreign educational establishments, public, state, and international organizations, including  Universities from Austria, France, Germany, Finland, USA, Great Britain, CIS countries and more. Complete list here
Over 50 teaching staff members of the Department are members of one or several foreign and international scientific and professional societies, organizations, associations.
Annually the Department "Theoretical Mechanics" hosts more than 10 international scientific and educational events: conferences, symposia, seminars, trainings and schools.
'''Basic objectives and directions of the international activities'''
*Promotion of academic mobility of students and faculty.
*International experience based development of innovative forms of mechanical education, science and mathematical modelling.
*Intensification of modern knowledge and technologies exchange.
*Cooperation with abroad higher educational institutions in the fields of mechanical education, science and mathematical modeling, promotion of academic mobility of students and academic staff.
* Scientific cooperation within international projects and agreements.
* Cooperation with various international organizations, engineering and scientific societies and professional associations.
*Formulation and implementation of optimal international activities.
== Academic mobility==
A lot of international students and post-graduates have completed some internships at Department "Theoretical Mechanics" today.
And also a lot of TMs students have had different international internships and trainings.
There are opportunities for the international education:
[[ Master Programme]] - program for international students.
[[Double Degree Programme]] - program for russian students.
==International partners and projects==
[[Файл:Positiv 03.jpg|350px|right|]]
* [http://www.csiro.au CSIRO] ([http://www.csiro.au/Organisation-Structure/Divisions/Process-Science-and-Engineering.aspx Dr. Andrey Bekker])
* [http://www.particulate-flow.at Johannes Kepler University, Christian-Doppler Laboratory on Particulate Flow Modelling] (Prof. Stefan Pirker)
* [http://www.jku.at/ippe/content/e40278 Johannes Kepler University, Institute of Polymer Product Engineering] (Prof. Zoltan Major)
* [http://www.univie.ac.at/en/ University of Vienna] (см. [[Fodor Patrick]])
* [http://www.abdn.ac.uk/ Aberdeen University])
* [http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ Aberystwyth University]
** [http://users.aber.ac.uk/sxc/  Prof. Simon Cox, Simulation of foams]
** [http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/imaps/staff-list/ggm/ Prof. G. Mishuris, Mathematical modeling in mechanics]
* [http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/ Cardiff University]
* [http://www.dem-solutions.com DEM Solutions Limited] (Alliances Director, at DEM Solutions, Dr. S. Arumugam)
* [http://www.tu-harburg.de/ Hamburg University of Technology]
* [http://tm.iw.uni-halle.de/ Halle Wittenberg, Martin-Luter University]
* [http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/ Magdeburg, Otto von Guericke University]
* [http://www.ibnm.uni-hannover.de/en/ Leibniz Universität Hannover] ([http://www.ibnm.uni-hannover.de/en/institute/the-team/professors/nackenhorst/ Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Nackenhorst])
* [http://www.tudelft.nl/  Delft University of Technology] ([http://www.citg.tudelft.nl/en/about-faculty/departments/structural-engineering/sections/structural-mechanics/people/pages/dr-av-metrikine/ Prof. Dr. A.V. Metrikine])
* [http://www.us.es/ University of Sevilla]  ([http://grupo.us.es/ehd-cgm/miembros/Castellanos/eng/index.html Prof. A. Castellanos])
* [http://fablabbcn.org/ Fab Lab Barcelona] ([http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tomas-diez/11/7aa/2b3 Tomas Diez])
* [http://www.sintef.no/ SINTEF] ([http://www.sintef.no/home/Contact-us/All-employees/?EmpId=580 Dr. Alexandre Lavrov])
* [http://www.fmctechnologies.com FMC-Technologies] (E. Melikhov, S. Shubin)
* [http://portal.prz.edu.pl/ Rzeszow University of Technology] (Prof. A.M. Linkov)
* AlpineReplay, Inc,  http://www.alpinereplay.com/)
* [http://www.sandia.gov/ Sandia National Laboratory] (Dr. J. Zimmerman, Dr. R. Jones)
* [http://www.brown.edu/ Brown University], ([http://www.engin.brown.edu/Faculty/gao/gaogroup/ Prof. H. Gao])
* [http://home.byu.edu/home/ Brigham Young University], [http://chemicalengineering.byu.edu/ Department of Chemical Engineering] (Prof. Dean R. Wheeler)
* [http://www.shell.com Shell] (Dr. Alexei Savitski)
* [http://www.ucsd.edu/ University of California at San Diego], (Tan D. Trinh)
* [http://www.ufl.edu/ University of Florida], ([http://www2.mae.ufl.edu/chenlab/ Prof. Y.Chen])
* [http://www.williamhoover.info/ Ruby-Valley Research Institute] ([http://www.williamhoover.info Prof. W.G. Hoover, Prof. C. G. Hoover])
* [http://www.weatherford.com/ Weatherford], ([http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lev-ring/13/2a7/858 Prof. Lev Ring])
* [http://www.lut.fi/en/ Lappeenranta University of Technology]
* [http://www.ensam.fr/ Arts et Métiers ParisTech CER Bordeaux] (Dr. Damien Andre)
* [http://www.empa.ch/ Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology]
* [http://www.ut.ee/en/ Tartu University]
[[Igor Berinskii]] is responsible for establishing and developing of external relations, cooperation with abroad partners, academic mobility of students.
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